Yeap, it’s true. As incredible as it may seem, at least to me, PhotoNetCast, the photography podcast hosted by me, Brian Auer, Martin Gommel and Jim Goldstein, just got a bit older. The 28th episode marks our 1 year anniversary.
On a personal level PhotoNetCast has been a fantastic experience. For these 28 episodes, if I count the show prep, recording, editing and publishing, on a quick count, it’s probably more than 200 hours of time invested in this project and worth every minute of it.
Our objective, since the beginning, has been to produce a quality show in which we can openly discuss our ideas and topics that are brought to the table, independently of our point of view. It has not been an easy task with all the hurdles for a beginner in the medium, but personally I’m more than satisfied. I believe that PhotoNetCast is informative and entertaining to listen, and focuses on topics that matter for all photographers, independently of their “level”.
PhotoNetCast allowed me to reach to the great photographers and industry professionals we had as guests and learn while they share their opinions. Yes, learn. The show has been a huge learning experience. My appreciation to all of them.
The audience feedback has been superb and it’s all that support that motivates to keep producing and always trying to publish a better podcast, every episode. Thank you. This is what makes me believe that PhotoNetCast is becoming a reference podcast for photography.
And finally, Brian, Jim and Martin: Thank you very much for joining me on this trip. It has been a year of waking up early or staying up late and fighting with sometimes frustrating technical issues, but also a year of great laughs and shared knowledge. Here’s to many more years doing this together.
If you’re still not listening, I’d like to encourage you to subscribe to PhotoNetCast on iTunes, or just grab the regular feed.
Since my last update of the podcast here on the blog, 3 episodes were published:
PhotoNetCast #26 – Going Beyond your Comfort Zone – We tried to discuss how important it is to grow photographically to always try to push yourself, whether with gear or just changing your approach.
PhotoNetCast #27 – HDR Photography – With Dave Wilson as guest, we discuss HDR photography.
PhotoNetCast #28 – Travel Photography – Logistics, preparation, regulations and the actual shooting. How to make the most of your photographic travels.
I hope you enjoy it. And thanks for listening.
jeremy north
May 21, 2009 at 6:58 pm
I’ve been listening to many different photography podcasts for well over 18 months. How did I not come across yours until last week???
I’m working my way through them chronologically, so far I’m up to episode 11 (the excellent interview with Zoriah)
May I congratulate you on your first year of podcasting. It is indeed a superb listen. I’ve been really interested by the variety of topics you cover, and the manner in which you discuss them. As a film user I appreciate the inclusive nature of your coverage, in stark contrast to another well known ‘photography’ podcast which seems to be about everything but photography.
Please keep it up!
June 10, 2009 at 8:52 am
Just thought i should say I’m an avid listener, keep up the good work and deliver many more episodes!
June 11, 2009 at 10:53 pm
Congrats Toze! This is a great milestone as usually the first year is the toughest. Here’s hoping you guys will mark many more such anniversaries