For all those of you that are still not aware, during my break from this blog, we published 3 new episodes of PhotoNetCast.
PhotoNetCast #19 – A look at the Canon 5D Mark II, with Rich Legg and Phill Price – About the now-not-so-new Canon 5D Mk II, we had two guests to talk about their hands-on experience with the camera: Rich Legg and Phill Price.
PhotoNetCast #20 – Buying used photography equipment – Some advice for those moments when you want to get creative and buy something out of ordinary, or just if your budget doesn’t allow you to get your equipment brand new.
PhotoNetCast #21 – The Flickr/Getty Partnership – With the normal crew reduced by half, we invited Dave Wilson to join us and share some thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of accepting the invitations to submit your images to the soon-to-come Flickr Collection on Getty. We have also a poll running on this one: Poll: Flickr/Getty Images – Would you accept the invitation? Share your thoughts with us over there.