It seems that the evolution of new media is leaning towards video.
With the availability of cheaper and cheaper bandwidth, internet video has become a major way to transmit information. And of course, it includes photography.
Introducing "On the Air"
With this in mind, I’ve created a channel where you can watch some of the videos I’ve found of interest for photographers. From beginners to more experienced artists, I believe you’ll find something there for you.
All you have to do is go to On the Air (link on the header). In there you’ll find an embedded display (powered by Mogulus) that is continuously showing these videos. If you want to have more selectivity, click on On Demand" and you’ll have access to the video list currently available.
So far, none of the videos on the list was created by me, but some are "in the making" and I’ll probably release them in the next weeks.
I’ll also be expanding this list as more and more interesting videos start to show up.
For now, sit back, grab a cup of coffee, relax, and enjoy photography.